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MacLellan Rubber Blog

What is wrong with my Rubber ? Part 2 - Hardness Variations

12 Jun 2012 | Posted by Andrew Onions
Why do I always get variations in the Hardness of my material?

What is wrong with my Rubber? - Part 1 Storage of Rubber.

15 May 2012 | Posted by Andrew Onions
Everyone has an opinion about the Rubber Sheeting they buy and not simply that its too expensive or not as good as in the old days.

Why are we blogging about Rubber ?

04 May 2012 | Posted by Andrew Onions
When the discussion with our Website Partners moved on to Blogging I have got to admit there were a lot of puzzled and confused faces in the office.

Is your Stock in the right place?

01 May 2012 | Posted by Andrew Onions
Interesting article in Aprils issue of Works Management regarding stock holding of raw materials and where in the supply chain it should be held.

Lower Limb Disorders & Anti-Fatigue Matting

20 Apr 2012 | Posted by Andrew Onions
The Health & Safety Executive has excellent information on Lower Limb Disorders.