Polymers to Industry
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Case Studies

Dropping in on the Fire Service

Dropping in on the Fire Service

Ensuring Fire Officers arrive safely at the bottom of a Pole Drop is all in a day's work for MacLellan Rubber, with our made to order Pole Drop Mats.
Loafing Around

Loafing Around

Giant Foam Loaves are not something one immediately thinks of in relation to MacLellan's supply capability!
MacLellan Keeps Expanding

MacLellan Keeps Expanding

Expansion Bellows for Power Generation Plants have been a mainstay of MacLellan Rubber's business for over 60 years - but sizes keep increasing.
Green Fuels Not So Seal Friendly

Green Fuels Not So Seal Friendly

Find out how MacLellan Rubber helped a client source a superior rubber material for sealing applications used in bio-fuel pipelines. 
Isolating Micro Vibrations in Aerospace Applications

Isolating Micro Vibrations in Aerospace Applications

Read how MacLellan Rubber identified a solution to low level vibrations affecting highly sensitive sensor technology for an Aerospace equipment manufacturer.
Demolition Impact Pads

Demolition Impact Pads

See how MacLellan worked with a major demolition contractor to provide impact pads for use in the demolition of a large building in Central London.
High Speed Race Track Barriers

High Speed Race Track Barriers

MacLellan Grade Approved for Worldwide Use in High Impact Crash Barriers with F.I.M. and awaiting F.I.A. Approval.
Sealing Leaking Nitrogen Pipe

Sealing Leaking Nitrogen Pipe

Sealing a leaking Nitrogen supply pipe without plant shutdowns
Keeping Water Flowing and Production Running

Keeping Water Flowing and Production Running

Repairing a ruptured industrial water pipe without the need to shut down the plant solved using Thistlebond PlasSteel Twist Sticks and Emergency Pipe Repair Bandage
Anti-Vibration & Noise Reduction Solution for Aerospace Engine Manufacturer

Anti-Vibration & Noise Reduction Solution for Aerospace Engine Manufacturer

Read how MacLellan worked with a Turbine Blade Manufacturer, to provide a Noise & Vibration reduction solution to reduce failure rates and noise pollution for operatives.