Last year we wrote an article raising concerns about how some companies were using cheaper imports for materials being used within the food manufacturing process.
The problem we foresaw with using poorer quality materials during the food manufacturing process was the strong possibility of cross-contamination.
Mars Recall
Recently, Mars recalled a variety of chocolates due to the possible presence of salmonella (click here to view the BBC news article).
All material that can come into contact with food must be FoodSafe. And this is a legal obligation. The FoodSafe symbol is used to help identify that the material used in the product is safe for food contact. However, just because the material being supplied is white or blue, does not mean that it meets the regulations.
Certified Materials and Products
Because we work closely with our European supply chain to only deliver certified materials and products, we can help gasket and seal suppliers take the risk out of knowing whether they are truly buying FoodSafe materials.
Our gasket materials and sealing products are European Manufactured and certified to meet EU1935:2003,
FDA 2 CFR part 177 Section 2600 Allowable Substances, USP Class VI, NSF/AN
SI Standard 51 Food equipment materials certified, as well as being traceable to the original source of raw material constituents. You can't get much more rigorous than that!
If manufacturers of food want to be better protected against cross-contamination risks, we urge them to specify and check that they are using European manufactured, fully EU1935 certified materials. If you would like to know more, please feel free to call us on 01902 30 77 11 for help and advice.