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Good Bye and Good Luck Bo

15 Jun 2022 | Posted by Andrew Onions

This week marks a sad but fortunately rare event at MacLellan rubber, in that I am announcing that a member of the team has decided to move onto a new opportunity elsewhere.

Bo (Pictured) started with us just over two years ago as an apprentice in the commercial office, and throughout this time has developed into a great asset within the MacLellan family, I believe I speak for all the team in saying Bo will be very much missed.

Bo added “I would like to thank MacLellan Rubber for having me work here, I have learned so much during my time here, I have enjoyed working with everyone here and speaking to all of the customers. I wish you all the best” (and we didn’t even need to bribe her to say that)

We all wish Bo much success in the future and will be watching her career progression.

The MacLellan Team