0360 450v Black Ribbed Electrical Insulation/Switchboard Matting
An old favourite for Live Working Electrical Engineers, this 6mm Thick Material is often seen as a alternative to BS921. Although not officially tested to any specific standard the Thickness is still seen as re-assuring to some over newer and thinner specifications.
Compression Set(22 Hours @ 70°C)
15 %
Compression Set(22 Hours @ 70°C)
15 %
Elongation at Break
230 %
Elongation at Break
230 %
Highest Recommended Working Temperature
70 °C
Highest Recommended Working Temperature
70 °C
Intermittent Working Temperature
90 °C
Intermittent Working Temperature
90 °C
Lowest Recommended Working Temperature
-20 °C
Lowest Recommended Working Temperature
-20 °C
Recommended Maximum Use
450 Volts AC
Recommended Maximum Use
450 Volts AC
Shore Hardness (Shore A)
65 ° Shore
Shore Hardness (Shore A)
65 ° Shore
Specific Gravity
1.58 g/cm3
Specific Gravity
1.58 g/cm3