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Stable matting stands the test of time

29 Jul 2014

In December 2009 I decided to invest in rubber stable matting to reduce the cost of bedding.

I looked on the internet and came across MacLellan Rubber . I gave their friendly staff a call and had my lovely new matting . It made such a difference ,more comfort for my horse less cost in bedding for me . Now almost 5 years later the mats are exactly the same as the day I bought them. Still just as thick not at all perished the tread exactly the same .

So when my daughter had her pony I did not hesitate to buy them from MacLellan Rubber again as I know they will last.

I can highly recommend them to anyone looking to invest to save money they will be as good five years later as the day you bought them.

Happy customer. Mrs Peacock.

Stable matting stands the test of time