EU1935-2004 Good Manufacturing Practice, Good Quality Rubber, Good Gracious
Many see the issuing of another European Directive as yet more interference and addition to cost for a manufacturing industry already weighed down with red tape and bureaucracy. It is also fair to say that in many cases it can take a long while for these to permeate through the countless layers of officialdom and start to cause work those who still actually make something, and in some cases we are all fortunate that they get well and truly buried, never to be seen again.
You will forgive my somewhat unenthusiastic introduction when I tell you that I have watched with no great interest as the EU1935 directive has been periodically picked up by customers looking to have a compliant product and promptly put back down again when the cost implications have been highlighted.
The OEM wants the best product but doesnt want to pay for it no surprise there then! Suddenly -FDA 177-2600 and BGA Class 1 are entirely acceptable.
What is perhaps unusual is that this particular standard has started to gain a foothold and we are seeing more and more customers demanding compliance and certification of their Food Grade materials accordingly.
So what can I tell you about this standard other than MacLellan is already in a position to offer you Food Grade materials in Natural, Neoprene, Nitrile and EPDM that can be released to EU 1935.
I can tell you that it requires compliance with manufacturing practices for food contact material; it is very clear on the substances that can be used and those that cant be used which may endanger human life; it is also very big on material not releasing prohibited substances.
In summary it brings all of the current European Standards and best practices together under one Directive.
The other key thing I can tell you is that MacLellan will only be offering and Certifying material manufactured in Europe, as we believe this is the only way we can guarantee to our customers that material is fully compliant to all of the EU1935 requirements.
For more information on these and other premium products in our range contact us or telephone our sales team on 01902 307711
Simon Winfield