Lucky Dip & Star Prize
When you place an order to the value of £250* or above between 4th - 15th July 2018 you can still guess who will win the next football match, but now you can also guess the score.
Guess the correct winning team
Guess the correct winning team and you'll receive one of our Lucky Dip prizes. If the match is a draw (after extra-time but before penalties), we'll use our own Penalty Shootout to win you a prize.
Guess the score
Guess the score correctly (after extra-time but before penalties) and you'll receive our Star Prize!
To place your order and win one of our prizes, call the #WinningTeam on 01902 307711
Game Rules*:
Order value excludes carriage, tooling and VAT.
Goods must be shipped and invoiced within 6 weeks of order placement.
Cancellation of an order will result in withdrawal of the competition entry.
There is no limit to the number of orders that can be placed and corresponding entries made.
Prizes are awarded subject to availability and at the company's discretion.
Subject to availability, an alternative prize may be awarded.
No cash alternatives will be offered.
The competition may not involve every game placed during the World Cup.
Winners will be notified by phone or email.
Prizes will be shipped or delivered to winners at the earliest opportunity.