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Rubber Stamp for MacLellan

09 Jun 2017
MacLellan Rubber Limited, one of the UK's leading suppliers of polymer sheeting and rubber products, has been reassessed and awarded ISO 9001 certification with zero Observations and zero Non-conformances.

ISO 9001:2008 is an internally recognised Quality Management System and sets out the policies, processes and procedures for the planning and delivery of the core business.

The company was assessed by Rob Harris of TUV, an independent auditing body, who said: "MacLellan Rubber has an extremely robust Quality Process that reflects exactly what they do on a day to day basis. The business has an excellent balance between people, personality and process."

The findings from the ISO audit showed zero Observations and Non-conformances, which means there are no additional preventative actions required or any failure to show evidence of compliance. Being re-accredited to ISO9001 demonstrates MacLellan's commitment to supplying products that meet customer's requirements and delivering consistently high quality customer service.

Andrew Onions, director of MacLellan Rubber Limited, said: "We're delighted to have passed the Quality audit. The auditor's comments are especially pleasing as they highlight exactly what we have been trying to achieve over the last two years and follows on from a recent successful audit by Leidos on behalf of the MOD."

He added: "My thanks go out to our dedicated team and also to Lynne from Quality in a Box, who assisted us with the implementation of our new Quality System."

Rubber Stamp for MacLellan