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Lowering Nitrosamines in Sandwich Manufacture

22 May 2018
As part of British Sandwich Week, MacLellan Rubber is leading the way in eliminating carcinogenic Nitrosamines from materials used in the production of foods and food processing equipment.

Eliminating nitrosamine migration from seals & gaskets

MacLellan's technical team have created a formulation and process changes that eliminate the use of problem chemical compounds which eradicates the creation of Nitrosamines without affecting product quality and performance. 

Nitrosamines are chemical compounds that are formed as part of the process in rubber compounding and are accepted as a natural outcome at extremely low levels in polymer manufacture.

Whilst being recognised as carcinogenic in many forms, the type of Nitrosamines produced could have a severe impact on the potential for contamination within a particular application: mayonnaise manufacture; meat processing; salad washing!

Independently certified Food Quality rubber

All of MacLellan Rubber's European manufactured Food Quality materials are independently certified to EU1935:2004 quality standards and independently certified Nitrosamine Free by the Institut d'Analyses et d'Essais en Chimie de l'Ouest (IANESCO) in France making them best in class for use in food processing applications. 

Simon Winfield, director at MacLellan Rubber, said: "Being the first in our industry to achieve this technical milestone is significant for MacLellan Rubber, and particularly important for our customers who want guarantees that the seals and gaskets they are using within their applications are the safest in the world. This breakthrough will enable customers to certify their own products to the highest quality standard."

If you would like to know more about our Nitrosamine Free materials, call the MacLellan Rubber team on 01902 307711.

Lowering Nitrosamines in Sandwich Manufacture