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Happy to announce re-accreditation to ISO 9001:2015

19 May 2022

At MacLellan rubber, the quality and integrity of our product and service is key to our success, as such I am pleased to once again announce that following a recent audit, we continue to be accredited to ISO 9001:2015.

ISO 9001:2005 is an internationally recognised Quality Management System and sets out the

policies processes and procedures for the planning and delivery of the core business and re-accreditation demonstrates MacLellan's commitment to supplying the right products at the right time whilst offering consistently high levels of customer service.

Our External assessor accompanied by our quality consultant Lynne Cowan of “Quality in a Box” was  particularly impressed with our QA system and the way in which we manage our business processes, describing some parts of the system being as good as anything he has seen.

Joint Managing Director Andrew Onions Commented “ It is easy to say you are accredited to ISO 9001:2015  you can get accreditation online by submitting a QA Manual and Process – however at MacLellan we value the process of going through a full Audit from a UKAS Accredited Certification Bureau.  This means that our Quality System is embedded in what we do each and every day.  We sometimes make  mistakes – but these are fed into our Quality System as Inputs and are constantly monitored to ensure that we have constant Continuous Improvement.  We work hard for our Accreditation and try to use it each and every day to drive us forward”


Our Thanks as goes out to our in house team and Quality Consultant Lynne from Quality in a Box Pictured for their support during what has been a challenging few years for us all.

The Maclellan Team 

Happy to announce re-accreditation to ISO 9001:2015