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Further addition to the MacLellan Family

18 Apr 2013

We are once again pleased to announce a further addition to the MacLellan Family.

Jen Franks who has started her initial training with us this week, will be taking over from Hayley in just a few short weeks when she leaves us for pastures new. Her training programme will cover all aspects of the business but mainly focused around duties in the sales office.

Jen joins us with a wealth of experience, and along with being a fluent speaker in both French and German she is also a keen Vegetable Gardener. We would like to encourage our customers to join us in welcoming her to the team.

Simon Winfield commented Jen joins MacLellan at an exciting time with many new products and projects being launched in 2013, we are sure she will enjoy the challenges ahead and will contribute significantly to the continued expansion of our business across existing and new markets

Further addition to the MacLellan Family