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Free Technical Advice Save Yourself Time and Money!!

27 Jan 2014

At MacLellan Rubber we have always offered Free Technical Advice to customers and believe this is a service that should be available to anyone interested in our products. We have a history of success with customers who have sought solutions which have bought valuable orders for both parties.

You can imagine our distress therefore when we receive requests from customers who have failed to seek technical advice, supplied product that has subsequently found to fail and consequently ended up incurring significant replacement costs to meet the correct standards required.

Some recent examples of this include:

Commercial Nitrile being used for manufacture of Aerospace Gaskets Product disintegrating when in contact with fluids - Client advised to use High Nitrile grade to DTD standard available in moulded sheet and rolls form

Commercial Natural Rubber being used in Abrasive Application Product broke up after short period of service Client directed to High Abrasion Natural Rubber designed specifically for the application.

Commercial Nitrile being used for manufacture of Transformer Seal Product swelling after immersion in Oils causing leak in units Modified BS2751 grade material formulated to achieve resistance to Oils.

In all of these cases the client had quoted for supply using initial information provided by the end user, however in all cases the end user had supplied detailed application information and in some cases complete material specifications the failure to quote for the correct material fell entirely on the gasket cutter.

To re-iterate, MacLellan Rubber provides hundreds of technical recommendation every year. If we dont know, we know who to ask, and if they dont know there probably isnt an answer. Furthermore we dont limit our advice to our own products- if your technical enquiry suits an alternative product we are happy to direct you accordingly.

Ask the question the only thing it will cost you is a bit of time the cost of not asking could be more than you think.

Free Technical Advice Save Yourself Time and Money!!